Rss reader

It is a command line utility that allows you to view RSS feeds

You can also convert RSS feeds to html/pretty-html/pdf/pretty-pdf/epub for more convenient reading

Command-line arguments, local and global INI configs, environment variables are supported

What is RSS?

RSS stands for “Really Simple Syndication,” or, depending on who you ask, “Rich Site Summary.” At it’s heart, RSS is just simple text files with basic updated information—news pieces, articles, that sort of thing. That stripped-down content is usually plugged into what is called a “feed reader” or an interface that quickly converts the RSS text files into a stream of the latest updates from around the web.


  1. Installation
  2. Usage
    1. Notes
    2. Examples
  3. Config
    1. Info
      1. Config source priority
      2. Warning
    2. Command-line arguments
    3. INI configs
    4. Environment variables
      1. Using environment variables


Using pip

pip install rss-reader

Using Git and GitHub

git clone
cd rss-reader
pip install .


You can install extra dependencies, such as speedups or dev

pip install rss-reader[dev]
# or
pip install .[speedups]



IMPORTANT rss-reader 3.1 no longer supports fb2 format and caching

You can mute console output with -o none. It may be useful if you want to convert only


Notice that –pretty is a separate agrument as it affects html and pdf(pdf is generated from html)

Convert feed to html and mute console output. Feed is limited to 2 items

rss-reader --output none --convert html --limit 2

Parse local xml file, generate colorized console output and convert feed to epub

rss-reader /path/to/your/file.xml -o colorized -c epub

Parse local xml file, generate default console output, convert feed to pdf and saved as /my/dir/filename.pdf

rss-reader /path/to/your/file.xml -c pdf --convert-dir /my/dir --convert-file filename.pdf

Mute console output and convert feed to pretty html with bootstrap

rss-reader / -o none -c html --pretty

Output colorized feed to console and convert it to pretty pdf (html with bootstrap)

rss-reader -o colorized -c pdf --pretty



Config argument sources are prioritized

  1. Command-line arguments
  2. Local .rss-reader config
  3. Environment variables
  4. Global {HOME}/.rss-reader config


source, verbose, limit, pretty and version arguments can be set only as cli arguments

Command-line arguments

To view help on cli arguments you can run rss-reader --help

INI configs

Every argument is optional if config and will be grabbed from other source if not present The syntax for config is the following:


Global config should be located in your home folder and named .rss-reader

Environment variables

Env vars should be prefixed with RSS_READER_, for example, RSS_READER_OUTPUT

Using environment variables

